Humppa folk metal. When I first saw this(5 minutes before writing this), I said: "What the hell is humppa??" Humppa is related to jazz and a very fast foxtrot. Now that I think of it, some songs might be related to jazz. But some are definitely not. But in Finnish it's a term for all social dancing, which makes sense, because these songs make me feel that I need to dance(if those strange movements could be called dancing and not seizure). I know this band for half a year or maybe a year at max. Their texts are about trolls, Finnish history, and fantasy. If this is true I cannot say, because they sing in Swedish. Quite strange, isn't it?? Maybe its not Swedish, but it's definitely not Finnish, because I'm trying to learn it a bit and it sounds different. And what's best is, that I'm gonna see them live at Masters of Rock festival. I'm so excited!! It's gonna be fun, dancing with friends, beers in hands.
Mathias "Vreth" Lillmĺns - Vocals
Mikael "Routa" Karlbom - Guitar
Samuli "Skrymer" Ponsimaa (aka Örmy) - Guitar
Sami "Tundra" Uusitalo - Bass
Henri "Trollhorn" Sorvali - Keyboards, Guitars
Aleksi Virta - Keyboards
Samu "Beast Dominator" Ruotsalainen - Drums
Discography(only full-length):
Midnattens Widunder 1999
Jaktens Tid 2001
Trollhammaren EP, 2004 (I know this is an EP but 5 songs are 5 songs)
Nattfödd 2004
Ur Jordens Djup 2007
Nifelvind 2010
Since Oblivion is one of my favorite fantasy world, I'm going to post once in a while mods I'm using or mods which I find interesting and others may want to have. First couple of mods will make your game look more beautiful, colorful, full of life and all character will look like more real. I'm not saying that these mods are the only ones available, but these are most popular and could be labeled as must-haves. Well, here we go...
Qarls Texture Pack III Full v1_3_OMOD
* Most textures are 4 times the size of the originals. Some, even more. This makes things seem much clearer and sharper in-game.
* A large number of meshes have been altered to take advantage of the game engine's parallax shader.
* Only parts of the mesh which NEED parallaxing have the parallax flag enabled. This removes unwanted artifacts parallaxing can cause around corners.
* Textures which use the parallax shader have been altered at the mipmap level so that things look very 3D from a distance but do not get the soupy artifacts associated with the parallax effect when viewed close-up.
* Advanced normal map techniques used to make landscape textures seem very 3D.
* Landscape color maps and normal maps edited at the mipmap level to reduce the tiling effect in the distance.
* Mesh fixes from the Unofficial Oblivion Patch are included.
Things retextured:
* Architecture
* Landscape
* Rocks
* Dungeons
* Blood splatters, falling snowflakes, butterflies
* Furniture, and other medium-sized clutter Download
Natural Enviroments Natural Environments is my personal attempt to enhance and improve environmental components of Elder's Scrolls IV. The 2.1 version of the mod includes dozens of features: seasonal weather patterns, improved visualization of most celestial features found in the game, more than 40 new weather types (the default number is 7), and additional ambient wildlife species, such as birds and insects.
Natural Environments also takes care of several minor annoyances that were present in the original product, such as opaque water surfaces, muddy underwater vision, visibly pixelated cloud textures, unrealistic meteoric conditions, and random weather changes. Most of the changes are cosmetic and should not affect the game's performance noticeably.
Natural Weather: responsible for all meteorological modifications.
Natural Water: provides various tweaks for in-game water types.
Natural Habitat: adds and controls more than 20 different types of birds and insects.
Natural Vegetation: alters scaling characteristics of trees and shrubs.
All Natural combines a robust custom weather system that allows the use of weather types from all existing weather mods with custom versions of Natural Interiors and Real Lights in order to provide the greatest weather/environment experience possible. The three segments of All Natural will be explained below:
1. Custom Weather System The cornerstone of All Natural is unique weather system that includes a new regional weather script to keep the weather synced on interior/exterior switching and when fast travelling and a variety of optional features to help enhance and customize the user's weather experience. All Natural also allows you to choose from only vanilla weathers or from some or all the weather types from Natural Weather, Atmospheric Weather System, and Enhanced Weather.
2. Natural Interiors
Natural Interiors was originally created by Wormheart, and its purpose was to make it so interior locations such as houses and guilds would be affected by the weather outside and time of day, and to make it so interior locations had weather sounds inside very similarly to the original ?Weather Inside? mod. To accomplish this, interior windows were made transparent and the sky outside now matched the exterior weather and time of day. The result is you can look out an interior window and see a sunset, stars, etcetera and also have the interior lighting level change based on it being sunny, cloudy, nighttime, etcetera, plus you can hear rain/storm sounds from within.
3. Real Lights
Real Lights was an incredibly ambitious project by Josef K. which aimed to replace all the fake lighting (invisible lights with no actual light source) with real lights with real light sources. For example, with Real Lights locations have candles or other light sources that emit light instead of generic white light coming from mid-air. Download
Beautiful People
This mod combines Ren's Beauty Pack and Mystic Elves, Nequam's Ainmhe, Nequam's Elaborate Eyes, KyneTarse's Vampire Hunter's Sight and Khajiit Night Eye toggles, Grimdeath and Syko Fox's Tang Mo, Capucine's Colorable Beast Hair, Com's Argonian Headsets, Trigger190's Bald Hairstyle, and Theodic Marthil's Skyrim Khajiit. I also made the Dremora hair and blindfold playable. Upcoming is a version that will be compatible with Zeladin's hair fix.
I gave the Tang Mo all of the orcish eye options, reanimate eyes, vampire eyes, and the black-scleraed special eyes. Dremora have the actual Dremora eyes and the Dark Elf eyes. The Skyrim Khajiit have the Khajiit eye options. Ren's Mystic Elves have the human Elaborate Eyes now. The eye mesh they used caused issues with wonky eyes if a Mystic Elf became a vampire. However, I have remade the colors of the Mystic Elf eyes in Elaborate Eyes form. These are available for Ainmhe, Mystic Elves, and all humanoid races except for Dark Elves. Dark Seducer, Golden Saint, and Order eyes are remade, and available for all races except Argonians. Created new eyes for Sheogorath, added them to all races except Argonians.
DISCLAIMER: I'm not owner of any of those mods and pictures. I'm just posting links to sites where their autors released it. I hope they wouldn't mind :)
My favorite melodic death metal band from Sweden, formed in 1992. Their song are about Vikings, warfare and Norse mythology. Their name came from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Amon Amarth is Sindarin name for Mount Doom.Their new album Sutur Rising is going to be released in up coming days and I'm definitely going to get it. I'm really looking forward to it because Johan's brutal growl is...just brutal.
Johan Hegg - Vocals
Olavi Mikkonen - Guitar
Johan Söderberg - Guitar
Ted Lundström - Bass
Fredrik Andersson - Drums
Discography(only full-length):
Once Sent from the Golden Hall 1998
The Avenger 1999
The Crusher 2001
Versus the World 2002
Fate of Norns 2004
With Oden On Our Side 2006
Twilight of the Thunder God 2008
Surtur Rising 2011
I have seen them one on open-air festival Masters of Rock and I must say it was amazing. They were singing a song about a storm and a real storm really came. Lightning striking and thunder rumbling everywhere around us. We were soaked through in seconds, but nobody cared, we were just jumping and yelling. Best festival experience ever. Even though I had to spent the rest of the night as a homeless, because my tent was full of water. Next day was a complete nightmare. Starved and tired to death, I decided to go home one day earlier. I don't regret that, because there was no band I wanted to see that day.
*after he stops running in circles and yelling: "I'm the king of the undead!! Fear me!!" the author sits back on his chair and starts creating another article*
Ehm...Tho where do I wanthed tho thtarth??Oh, thorry.
*takes out plastic vampire teeth from his mouth*
Last post started with dragons in almost every fantasy world ever made. The undead is the same case, except one thing. I LOVE THE UNDEAD!!
*takes off his zombie-ish costume*
Now seriously...The undead are the part of fantasy maybe even more than dragons. Everywhere is some kind of dark sorcerrer called necromancer who rises his army of once dead people anything that once (or maybe twice or more times) died and could be bring back to life...after-life...after-death?? *sigh* He just reanimates them.
I know HoMaM series from my childhood. It was the first game I had on my computer. And as people grow up so does this game...Some episodes are good, some are worse. Well, all episodes were good (or at least playable). But HoMaM IV was probably the worst. I think it had a potential and there were features I liked very much. For example, your hero was part of the battlefield and could die like each of his units. Even then his units could survive and won the battle, after which he could be resurrected in town. An even better was that your hero could change its class and appearance according to the choice of skills. That was incredible. I loved that. Also the ability to move you units without hero was a good idea when you have your hero on the other side of the map. But what I hated most, was this mixing of races and that you had to choose which unit from the same tier you want. This alone is not that bad idea, but the merging of races...For example Inferno with Necropolis...Oh, and have you seen the Devil?! They replaced his scythe with a fork or whatever it is. And there were no Dread knights in Necropolis. Which was the thing I was disappointed with in HoMaM V too. At least it was a neutral unit in both games. Overall I quite like HoMaM V because it's very close to HoMaM III, which is my favorite. And with those 2 expansions, where you can choose between two upgrades of any unit and the new dwarf race, I spent many hours playing hot-seat multi-player with this game. The hero can cast spells or can simply attack, but cannot be killed.
Well we'll see what the new Heroes VI will be like.
*looks up on the title of the article*
Oh, I see now that this article was supposed to be about the new Heroes. I guess you probably wanted to know something about it. I can tell you from what I've seen it looks pretty good. So if you want to know more about it, use google, I'm sure you'll find something. I'm too tired to continue writing this post.
They were forgotten. Changed to a mere legend. But they exist. Dragons. But they'll be back in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Well, I'm not sure if I like that idea, because almost everything connected with fantasy world has to have dragons, otherwise it's not fantasy. I have nothing against dragons, I quite like them, and I can appreciate a well made world with gripping story involving dragons (which Skyrim definitely will be), it's only that for me dragons should remain legends in the world of Tamriel. I'm aware that there is one would-be-dragon Akatosh (I don't count him as a dragon because of his appearance, he's really strange one for a dragon). But enough of this dragon talk, let's see what will bring us the new episode of The Elder Scrolls.
The story will take you 200 years after Oblivion into the land of Nords, Skyrim. The dragons are returning, as it was foretold. You are gonna be trying to stop the wicked dragon god. You are a dragon-born, a dragon hunter. Your mentor is one of the last blade, voiced by some old dude from Shutter Island and Minority Report. Also, there is a civil war, since the king is dead.
They want to make combat more dynamic and tactical. You have to assign each hand with a function I think, either magic, 2 weapons, a weapon and a shield, etc. You can also waste stamina by sprinting, allowing you to get access to tactical positions. Emphasis on really improving the combat this time around. They are also putting care on how each weapon feel on your hand.
Quests are much more dynamic now.The quests are now more determined by how you build your character, individual actions and overall much more dynamic. Examples provided: If you are more of a magic user, some other mage may approach you who may not have had if you were just a melee character. Or if you killed some dude who owned a store that was gonna give you a quest, his sister would inherit the store, but she may resent you before giving you the quest. Also, if you drop a weapon in the street instead of selling it, it may just disappear, some kid may get it and give it back to you, which would lead to a series of stuff, or some dudes may fight over who gets it.
Also, it said that the quests you are given would be modified by how you have played (I guess like scaling the quests). For example, the location of a rescue mission would be determined by which location you have visited (it will try to give you a dungeon you haven't been in) and I guess also giving you appropriate enemies to your level.
Conversations aren't done in a zoomed static shot anymore. Start a conversation with some and they will act like someone would in real life, looking at you occasionally and walking around a bit and also continue doing a task if they were doing one while talking.
So...remember what I've said about dragons??OK, now forget it, because I'm gonna love Skyrim no matter what.
It's the night before Hogswatch, usually a time of joy on Discworld. A night when overexcited children are kept awake by the thoughts of what presents they may find inside their stockings, once they are allowed to stop pretending to be asleep.
But this year, all is not right with the holiday season!
There have been some worryingly suspicious goings-on involving a member of Ankh-Morpork's Assassins' Guild, and the town's already bustling criminal underworld is abuzz with dodgy deeds. The beloved Hogfather - the jolly bearer of glee and pork-related gifts for children everywhere - has vanished.
Suddenly, the stability of the Discworld's entire mythical system is under threat. for if the children stop believing in the Hogfather, the sun will not rise upon Discworld again!
The fate of this magical time rests in the hands of a very motley group: A band of wizards headed up by a mystical university president named Mustrum Ridcully; a loyal manservant who goes by the of Albert; a level headed governess called Susan Sto Helit; and her grandfather, who happens to be..well.Death.
It will take some very extreme measures: Plans must be made, trolls must be fought, fairies must be rescued, and DEATH must take up the reins at the helm of the Hogfather's abandoned sleigh, if the Hogfather, and possibly more importantly, the holiday, is to be saved.
This death metal band was formed in 1991 in Canada. Their lyrics are about mysticism,history, war and abstract themes. Their newest album is Heaven's Venom which was released in August 13, 2010 (Europe) / August 24, 2010 (America).Now they are on their tour Spread The Venom.
Discographia(only full-length):
Sorcery 1995
Temple of Knowledge 1996
Victims of this Fallen World 1998
Epic: The Poetry of War 2001
Shadows and Dust 2002
Serenity in Fire 2004
In the Arms of Devastation 2006
Prevail 2008 (my favorite :))
Heaven's Venom 2010
As Maurizio said Spread The Venom Tour is the last chance to see Kataklysm for a while. They will be working on Spread The Venom DVD and on new records of their next project Ex Deo.